Earlier this year, March 23rd, 2018, while I was doing my stint as the Chief Information Security Officer for HaystackID, I presented the keynote at the 2018 BloomCon Cyber convention hosted at Bloomsburg University in…
Broad Pwnage – WiFi everywhere is vulnerable to Association Attacks Last month, Google and Apple released security patches to protect against the WiFi hopping “BroadPwn” vulnerability inherent in more than a billion devices. After spending…
WannaCry wreaked havoc on the UK NHS Possibly Because of BroadPwn Vulnerable Raspberry Pi Computers Reporter Rebecca McBeth wrote a story last year about the UK’s NHS adoption of the Raspberry Pi MediPi open source…
Another emerging malware that is making its way around the globe searches out targets with open SMB Port 445 and exploits the NSA leaked double pulsar exploit to automatically infect a vulnerable target over the…
35 Companies Could Stop 70% of U.S. Vulnerability to Wanna Cry & Double Pulsar Attacks Wanna Cry, the malware that encrypts a targets machine and spreads from computer to computer using a leaked NSA exploit…