Intel has incorporated a System on a Chip (SOC) known as the Intel Management Engine. The Intel Management Engine acts as a computer that sits on top of the microprocessor and is connected to the…
Everyone in control of this platform at work or in government should make sure systems are patched tomorrow. Congratulations to the Brits for fixing the problems and publicly acknowledging the issues and concluding with a…
Broad Pwnage – WiFi everywhere is vulnerable to Association Attacks Last month, Google and Apple released security patches to protect against the WiFi hopping “BroadPwn” vulnerability inherent in more than a billion devices. After spending…
WannaCry wreaked havoc on the UK NHS Possibly Because of BroadPwn Vulnerable Raspberry Pi Computers Reporter Rebecca McBeth wrote a story last year about the UK’s NHS adoption of the Raspberry Pi MediPi open source…
Pre-Release Fix to Broadcom “BroadPwn” Chip on Raspberry Pi Computers Now Available Broadcom Wifi Chips in the BCM43xx family have been used widely in iPhones, Android phones, WiFi Access point routers and even Raspberry Pi…
Make sure your computing devices are patched today! At no time in the history of known software vulnerabilities has it ever been more important to be vigilant about ensuring your computer devices have been fully…
This week, wide spread reports have been published by many media outlets confirming what has long been suspected… most smart phones (Android and iPhones) are vulnerable to being hacked when they are connected to WiFi…